Borut Lužar

Znanstveni članki

    Poslani v objavo

  1. B. Lužar, E. Máčajová, R. Soták, D. Švecová: List strong and list normal edge-coloring of (sub)cubic graphs,
    submitted in 2024.
    arXiv Preprint
  2. B. Lužar, J. Przybło, R. Soták: Degree-balanced decompositions of cubic graphs,
    submitted in 2024.
    arXiv Preprint
  3. Objavljeni

  4. F. Kardoš, B. Lužar, R. Soták: Note on robust coloring of planar graphs,
    Opuscula Math. 45 (2025), 103-111.
    doi: 10.7494/OpMath.2025.45.1.103  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  5. 2024
  6. P. Gregor, J. Kranjc, B. Lužar, K. Štorgel: Packing coloring of hypercubes with extended Hamming codes,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 359 (2024), 269-277.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2024.07.048  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  7. B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták: Revisiting semistrong edge-coloring of graphs,
    J. Graph Theory 105 (2024), 612-632.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.23059  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  8. 2023
  9. B. Lužar, M. Maceková, S. Rindošová, R. Soták, K. Sroková, K. Štorgel: Locally irregular edge-coloring of subcubic graphs,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 339 (2023), 136-148.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2023.06.020  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  10. M. Horňák, B. Lužar, K. Štorgel: 3-facial edge-coloring of plane graphs,
    Discrete Math. 346 (2023), 11312.
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2022.113312  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  11. D. Modic, B. Lužar, T. Yoshioka-Kobayashi: Structure of university licensing networks,
    Scientometrics 128 (2023), 901-932.
    doi: 10.1007/s11192-022-04564-7  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  12. I. Fabrici, B. Lužar, S. Rindošová, R. Soták: Proper conflict-free and unique-maximum colorings of planar graphs with respect to neighborhoods,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 324 (2023), 80-92.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2022.09.011  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  13. 2022
  14. N. Gusmeroli, T. Hrga, B. Lužar, J. Povh, M. Siebenhofer, A. Wiegele: BiqBin: A Parallel Branch-and-bound Solver for Binary Quadratic Problems with Linear Constraints,
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 48 (2022), #15.
    doi: 10.1145/3514039  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  15. H. Hocquard, D. Lajou, B. Lužar: Between proper and strong edge-colorings of subcubic graphs,
    J. Graph Theory 101 (2022), 686-716.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.22848  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  16. H. La, B. Lužar, K. Štorgel: Further extensions of the Grötzsch Theorem,
    Discrete Math. 345 (2022), 112849.
    [Discrete Mathematics Editors' Choice 2023]
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2022.112849  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  17. K. Rojko, B. Lužar: Scientific performance across research disciplines: Trends and differences in the case of Slovenia,
    J. Informetrics 16(2) (2022), 101261.
    doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2022.101261  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  18. B. Lužar, E. Máčajová, M. Škoviera, R. Soták: Strong edge colorings of graphs and the covers of Kneser graphs,
    J. Graph Theory 100(4) (2022), 686-697.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.22802  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  19. A. Hinz, B. Lužar, C. Petr: The Dudeney-Stockmeyer Conjecture,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 319 (2022), 19-26.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2021.05.019  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  20. 2021
  21. P. Holub, B. Lužar, E. Mihaliková, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták: Star edge-coloring of square grids,
    Appl. Math. Comput. 392 (2021), 125741.
    doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125741  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  22. 2020
  23. K. Rojko, B. Bratić, B. Lužar: The Bologna reform's impacts on the scientific publication performance of Ph.D. graduates - the case of Slovenia,
    Scientometrics 124 (2020), 329-356.
    doi: 10.1007/s11192-020-03482-w  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  24. M. Šurimová, B. Lužar, T. Madaras: Adynamic coloring of graphs,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 284 (2020), 224-233.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2020.03.038  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  25. B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, P. Ochem, A. Pinlou, R. Soták: On non-repetitive sequences of arithmetic progressions: the cases k ∈ {4,5,6,7,8},
    Discrete Appl. Math. 279 (2020), 106-117.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2019.10.013  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  26. 2019
  27. F. Dross, B. Lužar, M. Maceková, R. Soták: Note on 3-choosability of planar graphs with maximum degree 4,
    Discrete Math. 342(11) (2019), 3123-3129.
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2019.06.021  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint  |   Presentation
  28. B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták: Note on list star edge-coloring of subcubic graphs,
    J. Graph Theory 90(3) (2019), 304-310.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.22402  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  29. 2018
  30. A. Kastrin, J. Klisara, B. Lužar, J. Povh: Is science driven by principal investigators?,
    Scientometrics 117(2) (2018), 1157-1182.
    doi: 10.1007/s11192-018-2900-x  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint  |   Networks Data
  31. B. Lužar, J. Przybyło, R. Soták: New bounds for locally irregular chromatic index of bipartite and subcubic graphs,
    J. Combin. Optim. 36(4) (2018), 1425-1438.
    doi: 10.1007/s10878-018-0313-7  |   Official Print  |   BibTex  |   arXiv Preprint
  32. B. Lužar, P. Ochem, A. Pinlou: On repetition thresholds of caterpillars and trees of bounded degree,
    Electron J. Combin. 25 (2018), #P1.61.
    Official Print (Open Access)  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  33. V. Andova, B. Lidický, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: On facial unique-maximum (edge-)coloring,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 237 (2018), 26-32.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2017.11.024  |   Official Print  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  34. B. Lužar, M. Petruševski, R. Škrekovski: On vertex-parity edge-colorings,
    J. Combin. Optim. 35 (2018), 373-388.
    doi: 10.1007/s10878-017-0178-1  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  35. 2017
  36. M. Bonamy, M. Knor, B. Lužar, A. Pinlou, R. Škrekovski: On the difference between the Szeged and Wiener index,
    Appl. Math. Comput. 312 (2017), 202-213.
    doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2017.05.047  |   Official Print  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  37. M. Janicová, T. Madaras, R. Soták, B. Lužar: From NMNR-coloring of hypergraphs to homogenous coloring of graphs,
    Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017), 351-360.
    doi: 10.26493/1855-3974.1083.54f  |   Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  38. A. Kastrin, J. Klisara, B. Lužar, J. Povh: Analysis of Slovenian research community through bibliographic networks,
    Scientometrics, 110 (2017), 791-813.
    doi: 10.1007/s11192-016-2203-z  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  39. P. Gregor, B. Lužar, R. Soták: Note on incidence chromatic number of subquartic graphs,
    J. Combin. Optim. 34 (2017), 174-181.
    doi: 10.1007/s10878-016-0072-2  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  40. 2016
  41. M. Karlovčec, B. Lužar, D. Mladenić: Core-periphery dynamics in collaboration networks: the case study of Slovenia,
    Scientometrics 109 (2016), 1561-1578.
    doi: 10.1007/s11192-016-2154-4  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  42. P. Gregor, B. Lužar, R. Soták: On incidence coloring conjecture in Cartesian products of graphs,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 213 (2016), 93-100.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2016.04.030  |   Official Print  |   Presentation  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  43. L. Bezegová, B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták, R. Škrekovski: Star edge colorings of some classes of graphs,
    J. Graph Theory 81 (2016), 73-82.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.21862  |   Official Print  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  44. 2015
  45. J. Kranjc, B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták: On a generalization of Thue sequences,
    Electron. J. Combin. 22 (2015), #R33.
    Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  46. B. Lužar, M. Petruševski, R. Škrekovski: Odd edge colorings of graphs,
    Ars Math. Contemp. 9 (2015), 277-287.
    doi: 10.26493/1855-3974.576.895  |   Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  47. B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: Counterexamples to a conjecture on injective colorings,
    Ars Math. Contemp. 8 (2015), 291-295.
    doi: 10.26493/1855-3974.516.ada  |   Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  48. B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták, Riste Škrekovski, Peter Šugerek: l-facial edge colorings,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 181 (2015), 193-200.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2014.10.009  |   Official Print  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  49. M. Knor, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: Sandwiching the (generalized) Randić index,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 181 (2015), 160-166.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2014.08.032  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  50. 2014
  51. J. Kranjc, B. Lužar, M. Mockovčiaková, R. Soták: Note on coloring of double disk graphs,
    J. Global Optim. 60 (2014), 793-799.
    doi: 10.1007/s10898-014-0221-z  |   Official Print  |   BibTex
  52. D. Hudak, B. Lužar, R. Soták, R. Škrekovski: Strong edge colorings of planar graphs,
    Discrete Math. 324 (2014), 41-49.
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2014.02.002  |   Official Print  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  53. B. Lužar, Z. Levnajić, J. Povh, M. Perc: Community structure and the evolution of interdisciplinarity in Slovenia’s scientific collaboration network,
    PLoS ONE 9 (2014), e94429.
    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094429  |   Official Print (Open Access)  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  54. M. Knor, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski, I. Gutman: On Wiener index of common neighborhood graphs,
    MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 72 (2014), 321-332.
    Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  55. 2013
  56. B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: Improved bound on facial parity edge coloring,
    Discrete Math. 313 (2013), 2218-2222.
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2013.05.022  |   Official Print  |   Presentation  |   arXiv Preprint  |   BibTex
  57. 2012
  58. D. Kral', M. Krnc, M. Kupec, B. Lužar, J. Volec: Extending fractional precolorings,
    SIAM J. Discrete Math. 26 (2012), 647-660.
    doi: 10.1137/110828988  |   Official Print  |   Presentation by M. Kupec  |   ITI Preprint  |   BibTex
  59. D. Hudak, F. Kardoš, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski, R. Soták: Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs with Δ colors,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012), 1356-1368.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2012.01.017  |   Official Print  |   IMFM Preprint  |   BibTex
  60. V. Andova, T. Došlić, M. Krnc, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: On the diameter and some related invariants of fullerene graphs,
    MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 68 (2012), 109-130.
    Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  61. J. Fink, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: Some remarks on inverse Wiener index problem,
    Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012), 1851-1858.
    doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2012.02.028  |   Official Print  |   IMFM Preprint  |   BibTex
  62. M. Cygan, J-F. Hou, L. Kowalik, B. Lužar, J-L. Wu: Planar linear arboricity conjecture,
    J. Graph Theory 69 (2012), 403-425.
    doi: 10.1002/jgt.20592  |   Official Print  |   Conference version  |   IMFM Preprint  |   BibTex
  63. 2010
  64. L. Kowalik, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: An improved bound on the largest induced forests for triangle-free planar graphs,
    Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 12 (2010), 87-100.
    Official Print (Open Access)  |   BibTex
  65. F. Kardoš, M. Krnc, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski: Cyclic 7-edge cuts in fullerene graphs,
    J. Math. Chem. 47 (2010), 771-789.
    doi: 10.1007/s10910-009-9599-0  |   Official Print  |   IMFM Preprint  |   BibTex
  66. 2009
  67. B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski, M. Tancer: Injective colorings of planar graphs with few colors,
    Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 5636-5649.
    doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2008.04.005  |   Official Print  |   IMFM Preprint  |   BibTex